
There are lots of damaged education centers such as schools and kindergartens. Some of them are listed below: Al-Kefah School, severely damaged, February 10, 2015 Al-Nahda Ash-Shara'iya, moderately damaged, August 11, 2014 Al-Mamoun, moderately damaged, February 6, 2015 Al-Madrasa As-San'aiya Al-Khamisa, severely damaged, August 8, ...



Yemen, which was once called ”Happy Arabia” by Roman geographers, could not be farther from its glorious days. The conflicts that began in late 2014 turned into a civil war that has led to the death of tens of ...



There are lots of damaged education centers such as schools and kindergartens. Some of them are listed below: Deir al-Asafir School, severely damaged, April 24, 2015 Badr Al-Din Al-Hussein Technical Institute, moderately damaged, April 29, 2014 Saqba Elementary, destroyed, September 30, 2014 Ath-Thamena Elementary, severely ...



Hosting many science centers for centuries, Aleppo is an ancient city that has been the melting pot of many civilizations. Regrettably, the ancient city of Aleppo, which is found on the world heritage list with all its madrasas, libraries, and ...


Mosul Museum Library - Mosul

Mosul Museum Library, which was one of the first targets of the terrorist organization ISIS that seized Mosul in June 2014, has an important place in the world heritage. Hundreds of handwritten books that have been written since the early ...


The Library of Mosul University - Mosul

ISIS used the Library of Mosul University as a barrack and training camp for its militants. Under their rule, more than 80 million books and electronic documents were destroyed. The printing house of the university, the largest printing house in ...


Aleppo Umayyad Complex and Library - Aleppo

The Aleppo Umayyad Complex and Library is situated in the city center. The complex also has a madrasa, which had valuable literary works and classrooms. The first construction of the building dates back to the Umayyad period. However, it ...


Abdul Qadir Gilani Complex and Library - Baghdad

For centuries, the complex, located in the center of Baghdad, is a science center with its library and literary works. As it was the science center in its era while nowadays referred with Abdul Qadir Gilani Complex, it hosts ...


University of Aleppo – Aleppo

Hosting many science centers for centuries, Aleppo is an ancient city that has been the melting pot of many civilizations. Regrettably, the ancient city of Aleppo, which is found on the world heritage list with all its madrasas, libraries, and ...


Musa al-Kadhim Madrasa and Library - Baghdad

Situated on the western bank of Baghdad, the complex, known as al-Kadhimain, spread around the tombs of Musa al-Kadhim (d. 183/799) and his grandson, Muhammad al-Jawad (d. 220/835), and gave its name to the district. Musa al-Kadhim Complex consists of ...


Baghdad National Library - Baghdad

After Baghdad was captured in 2003, many libraries in Baghdad were deliberately set on fire one after another. Amongst those libraries were the National Library, the Quran Library under the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the al-Mustansiriya University Library, the ...


Mustansiriya Madrasa and University - Baghdad

Muntasiriya Madrasa, the university of its time, is situated by the Tigris in Baghdad. It is a madrasa with two storeys, four iwans and an open courtyard. It was built by Caliph al-Mustansir in 1233 and was repaired many ...


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Güden

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Güden

Izmir Institute of Technology - Rector

Prof. Dr. Halis AYGÜN

Prof. Dr. Halis AYGÜN

OSYM- President

Prof. Dr. Mehmed Özkan

Prof. Dr. Mehmed Özkan

Bogazici University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Ömer Açıkgöz

Prof. Dr. Ömer Açıkgöz

CoHE - Member of Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Verşan Kök

Middle East Technical University - Rector

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Uslan

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Uslan

Gazi University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar

İ. D. Bilkent University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal

Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal

TUBITAK - President

Prof. Dr. Mehmet İsmail Safa Kapıcıoğlu

Prof. Dr. Mehmet İsmail Safa Kapıcıoğlu

CoHE - Deputy President

Prof.Dr Muhammed Hasan Aslan

Prof.Dr Muhammed Hasan Aslan

Gebze Technical University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çalış

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çalış

Erciyes University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Haluk Özen

Prof. Dr. Haluk Özen

Hacettepe University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Refik POLAT

Prof. Dr. Refik POLAT

Karabuk University - Rector

 Mehmet Karaca

Mehmet Karaca

Istanbul Technical University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Erkan İbiş

Prof. Dr. Erkan İbiş

Ankara University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Fuat Keyman

Prof. Dr. Fuat Keyman

Sabancı University

Prof. Dr. Nihat Berker

Prof. Dr. Nihat Berker

Kadir Has University

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak

Istanbul University - Rector

Prof. Dr. Umran İnan

Prof. Dr. Umran İnan

Koc University - Rector

Prof.Dr Zeliha Koçak Tufan

Prof.Dr Zeliha Koçak Tufan

CoHE - Member of Executive Board

Professor Parla ASTARCI

Professor Parla ASTARCI

Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı


Prof. Dr. Zehra Sayers

Prof. Dr. Zehra Sayers

Sabancı University - Rector